100 days

… at betfair =)  And unlike the many things that happened on Ivan’s 100th day, mine started quite quietly.

Well, that’s if you can call a 5:30am work day start quiet, but to some respect it is

  • It’s still pitch dark when I woke up, and only for a few birds singing here and there, there was no noise outside.
  • Cycling to work was the easiest, smoothest and fast I’ve ever done. Given the time, there was no one on the road and for a cyclist in London, that’s absolute bliss!!
  • No one on the office! I can put my music on and relax a bit while not having to cope with some others loud interactions and constant calls for attention.
  • I’ve been entrusted the responsibility to deploy content to the live production website of Betfair and all went super smoothly in less than 15 minutes.
  • Light is coming through the bay windows, sun is going to rise soon over the Thames.

So far it’s been an incredible journey these last 100 days, both professionally and personally, and this just makes me happy.


  • IvanDM Wed, 30 Mar 2011 - 08:04

    I imagined you looking at the rising sun from the window, sipping a super nice coffee from our espresso maker. The only shame: you would have used Illy Coffee Beans :P

  • Matt Wed, 30 Mar 2011 - 11:54

    HAHAHAHA! Yeah, I use posh beans =P I should grow my own ;-)

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