Git on Gentoo?

I wanted a while ago to set-up my own private git repositories on my vserver, but never got the time to dig into it properly.

I have installed git with gitosis on ubuntu and on mac osX several times in the past months, but I have to admit that although I’ve done it all in command line on the servers, the internals were still a bit obscure to me. My vserver runs Gentoo, and initially I installed git and gitosis via emerge.

However, unlike my previous installs where I blindly (but successfully) followed the instructions and how-tos, I could not find anything else than how to host a public repository on Gentoo. Remember: these instructions are for a public repo!

That means that you’ll be able to pull from the server, but not push.

The explanation is simple: the way it’s presented will only ever user git-daemon, provided by git, that is designed to only server pull requests.

These instructions work well and in 10 minutes I had a public repo working flawlessly, but I wanted a private one where I could push my code and use it for automated deployments.

Killing git-daemon – Back to square one. Like many out there, I guess, I followed the excellent guide.

For Gentoo, this has to be changed slightly though.

Assuming you’ve setup git and it’s working fine

emerge -av dev-util/git

you haved cloned gitosis

git clone git://

and you are trying to install it

cd gitosis
python install

python setup tools might not be installed on your system. On gentoo, to install them, use the following

emerge -av dev-python/setuptools

Adding the git user takes slightly different options too

adduser \
--system   \
--shell /bin/sh   \
--comment   'git version control'  \
--home-dir   /home/git   \

Now, the part that confused me, the gitosis init. As there is no sudo on my system (and I believe on many others), i could not execute the indicated command. Ok, no big deal in the end, just do by hand what the sudo options do for you:

By becoming the git user and switching to its home directory, you cover the -H and -u options of the sudo command that you’d otherwise use on other systems.

su git
cd /home/git

then run the init script with the public key of your remote account uploaded in the /tmp folder f your server

gitosis-init < /tmp/

Now follow the rest of the tutorial and you’re good to go.

Just one last thing, unlike the automatic emerge of the gitosis ebuild, your repositories will be in /home/git/repositories by default.

If you ALSO want public repositories, you can always use git-daemon when you want too. It works independently and can be in parallel of gitosis.

Comments are disabled temporarily until I find a suitable system, but you can still send a comment by email and I'll add it to this post. Thanks!